Reflexology is an ancient art originating from Chinese and Eastern traditions. It is an non intrusive complementary health therapy. The theory of reflexology is that all the systems and organs of the whole body are mirrored or reflected in smaller peripheral areas, for example the feet, hands, ears and face. The therapist applies pressure to specific points on the feet usually (or hands or face) that correspond to the different areas of the body, using thumb, finger and hand massage techniques.
It is a deeply relaxing treatment and there are several theories as to how it works. One theory is the nerve impulse theory, whereby the application of pressure on the individual foot points causes a message to the brain and on to the corresponding part of the body via the nervous system. Another theory is that the treatment works by unblocking the energy meridians, the same way that acupuncture does. Whatever the theory, it can simply make you feel better!
Reflexology can help if you are suffering from:
Poor sleep
Tension headaches
Generalised aches and pains
low mood
Hormone problems
Irregular/painful periods
Symptoms of menopause
I offer 1/2 hour treatments for £25 or a 1 hour treatment for £40. Reflexology can be combined with Reiki/healing (1.5 hours for £60).
I relocated from West Suffolk in 2020 and am now based in beautiful Cockley Cley near Swaffham, within easy travelling distance of Dereham, Fakenham, Downham Market and King’s Lynn and the Norfolk coast.
My partner Rob is also a Usui Reiki Master and healing medium and we offer individual or joint sessions to our clients.
©Alison Rookes
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